Ko par GLAMIRA saka mūsu TV klips

Mūsu vīzija: Atspoguļot individualitāti ar juvelierizstrādājumu palīdzību.

Nekas nepadara mūs laimīgākus, kā dalīties savā vīzijā par juvelierizstrādājumiem ar pēc iespējas vairāk cilvēkiem. Savā TV klipā mēs vēlējāmies likt uzsvaru uz starppersonu attiecībām visos to veidos un parādīt, kā rotaslietas caurvij mūsu dzīvi kā saiknes zīme.

Uzņēmumā GLAMIRA cilvēkiem tiek piešķirta vislielākā nozīme. Mēs dažādos veidos izpaužam savu unikālo dabu, kas padara mūs tādus, kādi esam, un rotas, neapšaubāmi ir nozīmīgs mūsu esības atspoguļojums. Tieši tāpēc mēs vēlamies sniegt Jums iespēju pašiem izveidot savas rotas.

Izveidojiet savu dāvanu personisku

Mēs bieži cenšamies simbolizēt jūtas, kas mums ir pret saviem mīļajiem, pasniedzot ideālu dāvanu, kas parāda, cik labi mēs viņus pazīstam. Augstas kvalitātes juvelierizstrādājumi ir ideāli piemēroti šim mērķim, kas pavadīs mūs visas dzīves garumā un nepārspējamā veidā tvers mūsu vērtīgos mirkļus kopā.

Īpašie mirkļi, kuros dalāmies ar saviem mīļajiem, ir unikāli. GLAMIRAi Tas nozīmē, ka katras attiecības ir īpašas un jāizpauž atšķirīgi. Tāpēc GLAMIRA jūs varat izveidot savai rotaslietai vēlamo dārgakmeņu, krāsas un metāla kombināciju, rūpīgi pievēršot uzmanību detaļām.

No mūsu skatu punkta, personalizētām rotām piemēroti mirkļi parādās visos dzīves posmos. Pateicības dāvana Mātes dienā, solis ceļā uz kopīgu nākotni ar bildinājumu, vai draugu un partneru savstarpējās saiknes izpausmi – katram dzīves gadījumam ir piemērota rota, sākot no draudzības rokassprādzēm līdz pat laulības gredzeniem.

Who are we? GLAMIRA - Trust through experience

Rely on us as an online retailer with years of experience. What started in Heilbronn, Germany on a small scale in 1999 has over the last 10 years grown into what you see today - an international online shop with hundreds of thousands of possible combinations for jewellery, tailor-made through individual production. We greatly appreciate the trust our customers place in us and like to show that through our lifetime warranty among other things.

If you have become curious, we warmly invite you to browse through our shop and try out different options - you will have created and ordered your one-of-a-kind piece in a heartbeat. Treat yourself or your loved ones in this very easy way!

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Who are we? GLAMIRA - Trust through experience

Jewelry is the expression of all emotions that can make you feel special and the cornerstone to create a unique look on every occasion for everyone who has a fashion sense.

GLAMIRA brings spring’s bloom and joy to your life and encourages opening your mind to elegance and delicacy with its broad array of finest jewelry. If you are looking for 

Jewelry is the expression of all emotions that can make you feel special and the cornerstone to create a unique look on every occasion for everyone who has a fashion sense.

GLAMIRA brings spring’s bloom and joy to your life and encourages opening your mind to elegance and delicacy with its broad array of finest jewelry. If you are looking for 

Jewelry is the expression of all emotions that can make you feel special and the cornerstone to create a unique look on every occasion for everyone who has a fashion sense.

GLAMIRA brings spring’s bloom and joy to your life and encourages opening your mind to elegance and delicacy with its broad array of finest jewelry. If you are looking for 

Jewelry is the expression of all emotions that can make you feel special and the cornerstone to create a unique look on every occasion for everyone who has a fashion sense.

GLAMIRA brings spring’s bloom and joy to your life and encourages opening your mind to elegance and delicacy with its broad array of finest jewelry. If you are looking for 

Jewelry is the expression of all emotions that can make you feel special and the cornerstone to create a unique look on every occasion for everyone who has a fashion sense.

GLAMIRA brings spring’s bloom and joy to your life and encourages opening your mind to elegance and delicacy with its broad array of finest jewelry. If you are looking for

Jewelry is the expression of all emotions that can make you feel special and the cornerstone to create a unique look on every occasion for everyone who has a fashion sense.

GLAMIRA brings spring’s bloom and joy to your life and encourages opening your mind to elegance and delicacy with its broad array of finest jewelry. If you are looking for 

Jewelry is the expression of all emotions that can make you feel special and the cornerstone to create a unique look on every occasion for everyone who has a fashion sense.

GLAMIRA brings spring’s bloom and joy to your life and encourages opening your mind to elegance and delicacy with its broad array of finest jewelry. If you are looking for 

Jewelry is the expression of all emotions that can make you feel special and the cornerstone to create a unique look on every occasion for everyone who has a fashion sense.

GLAMIRA brings spring’s bloom and joy to your life and encourages opening your mind to elegance and delicacy with its broad array of finest jewelry. If you are looking for 


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